Welcome on my blog.
Here I will show the work I make as a concept art student. A big part of this blog will be dedicated to my school end project.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

  First thumbnail of a setting: the wooden tower catching the sunlight and reflecting it.

This is the second design of the tower, the one in the thumnail was a bit too wide.
-> This is what I came up with next. I made some kind of Aquaduct irigation system to lead the water out of the tubes away from the tower.
Also I made a system consting of ropes and cranes on top of the tower to turn the mirror.

Next I made the tower higher and smaller and gave some more detail to it, still in black-gray     <-

When I was happy with the shape I started to paint in short strokes.
I chose different colors of wood to paint it and try to work with a light and shadow side. So this is how the tower looked first without any setting around it.

Looking back to the tumb I started to sketch the setting roughly around the tower and this is what I came up with.

   In the end I am still facing one big problem. Somehow the size of my painting blew up till 15000x9000 in the original file, I have no idea how that happened though.
 I had to shrink it a lot to be able to post it here.
So I probably have to paint over it to get rid of the blurryness between the different elements.

But I am still pretty happy with the result.

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